Listening : Kokoro no Yuke by Janne da Arc + Freeze my Love by GLAY
Mood ; sedih,,,but,,,
Minna...bad news. Karena satu dan banyak alasan, dengan terpaksa saia harus mem-freeze kedua account multi saia *LDN sama PL* hingga waktu yang tak terbatas. However, kalo sempet saia emang login, tapi gomendh kalo ndak repp kurnal2 kalian...^^
3Q beradh buad anak2 multi yang sekarang bertransformasi jadi anak harajuku : sha, anihimura, aya, dan beberapa lainnya. Terus buat temen "adu puisi" saia : kikit. Buat semuanyahh juga...^^;;.
Kenapa freeze account? Bcoz...
1. Urusan skolah uda mulai menumpuk...kadang2 ngga login MP sekalinya login post uda numpuk sampe 200-300nya, jadi males baca...
2. Saat ini lagi bebner2 serius urus forum Harajuku yang mulai berkembang dan mule banyak OOT. Ada beberapa issue juga yang harus diperhatikan. Saia pengen *uda mule jadi ambisi negh, bahaia*, nanti suatu hari, Harajuku ini bisa berkembang jadi one-stop source buat perkembangan J-Music di Indonesia. Gitu.
3. Link donlot MP3 di close. Sebenerna jarang makek, cuma yah...sayang aja gitu...^^.
dan seterusnya...^^
Kalo kangen sama saia? *di timpuk pembaca*
Main ajjah ke harajuku, Disitu ntar bisa ktmu saia ^^
Okay...see ya!
English version :
Due to some kind of reason, unfortunately I must freeze this account for an unlimited time. And...if you want to meet me, just visit Okay...
and thanks for all MP-ers that helped me! Cheers!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
buat netter mobile di Bandung dan Surabaya....^^ *spoiler : sedikit ad*
Listening : Athens by Janne da Arc
Mood : bahagia ^^
Minna, im back dengan sedikit berita bet para netter yang maen di HP, dan berdomisili di Bandung dan Surabaya. Ada operator HP baru, namanya NTS, lagi promosi gila : gratis 300MB per bulan bet pengguna barunya. Info di
Eke yang penasaran *di kasi tau lwat email forward an dari milis* langsung ngesot beli ne kartu -harganya 25 ribu isi 25k- dengan ngantri di Istana Plaza. Setelah ditanya ini itu, akhirnya dapet juga ne perdana ^^.
Masupin kartu, tanpa ritual daftar ke 4444, langsung aktif. Setup internet otomatis juga...^^. Langsung deh di tancep ngedonlot. Eh, speednya lumayan...100-an kbps...XDXDXD~~~
Ini pun nulis pake quota gratis dari ne operator. Give it a try, sampe akhir Mei gratis netnya XP~~~. Jaa...^^
Mood : bahagia ^^
Minna, im back dengan sedikit berita bet para netter yang maen di HP, dan berdomisili di Bandung dan Surabaya. Ada operator HP baru, namanya NTS, lagi promosi gila : gratis 300MB per bulan bet pengguna barunya. Info di
Eke yang penasaran *di kasi tau lwat email forward an dari milis* langsung ngesot beli ne kartu -harganya 25 ribu isi 25k- dengan ngantri di Istana Plaza. Setelah ditanya ini itu, akhirnya dapet juga ne perdana ^^.
Masupin kartu, tanpa ritual daftar ke 4444, langsung aktif. Setup internet otomatis juga...^^. Langsung deh di tancep ngedonlot. Eh, speednya lumayan...100-an kbps...XDXDXD~~~
Ini pun nulis pake quota gratis dari ne operator. Give it a try, sampe akhir Mei gratis netnya XP~~~. Jaa...^^
Monday, January 7, 2008
??? *nyolong dare blog orang lain =P*
Blogwalking....nemuin yang aneh kek gini....yaudah eke kopasu ajjah ^^
Q1) What kind of person are you?
A1) double-sided. Kadang jutek...kadang ramah. Kadang pinter...kadang sebegituh naifnyahhh...--___--
Q2) What memories do you have of your first love?
A2) sama anak plasa, Ceria 131
Q3) What's a word you like?
A3) Whatever
Q4) What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
A4) matiin alarm
Q5) What's your theme song for today?
A5) GLAY - Mattakokode Aimashou
Q6) What's your cooking forté?
A6) nande? apa ini??
Q7) What foods do you like?
A7) eggs!
Q8) What foods do you dislike?
A8) ikan *alergi seh*
Q9) What's a strange habit of yours?
A9) nulis puisi sampe punya multi kusus wat itu =P
Q10) What's your special skill?
A10) komputer
Q11) What's your favorite season?
A11) Summer! Matsuri ^^ *aka. musim liburan kalo di indonesia*
Q12) What's the thing you want most right now?
A12) Motorola E398, DVDRW Plextor 20x
Q13) What's something you collect?
A13) MP3-MP3, terus CD konser yang haram *baca : bajakan*
Q14) What's your first memory?
A14) Belaian ibu => sama =P
Q15) What's your nickname?
A15) Fee, Gon, L
Q16) What animal are you most like?
A16) none
Q17) What's your weakness?
A17) double-sided!
Q18) What was your dream for the future when you were a child?
A18) dokter hewan ^^'
Q20) What's the first CD you ever bought?
A20) Windows 98SE bajakan *heh!*
Q21) What book or author do you like?
A21) manga!
Q22) What movies do you like?
A22) asal kaga ngejiplak
Q23) What games are you into?
A23) saat ini keracunan Russian Square Plus! Edition *jadulll, board, 2001*
Q24) What's something you're obsessed with?
A24) hacking
Q25) What songs do you sing often at karaoke?
A25) GLAY - A Boy ~Zutto Wasurenai...~
Q26) What's a magazine you read habitually?
A26) Tabloid Pulsa, terus majakah komputerakt!f, en...
Q27) What's something in the news that you're worried about?
A27) globalcommunication warming
Q28) Who's someone you respect?
A28) parents
Q29) What kind of man do you think is cool?
A29) sapapun itu yang otaku dalam arti sebenarnya
Q30) What kind of woman do you like?
A30) yang baek
Q31) What behavior do you think is cute in a woman?
A31) dengerin curhat sayah yang panjang...^^'
Q32) What's the most important thing in love?
A32) Trust, lust *heh!*
Q33) What's something you find scary?
A33) internet mati selama 48 jam bertrut-turut
Q34) What do you do to stay healthy?
A34) uhmmm...begadang?
Q35) What do you always drink when you get out of the bath?
A35) none, paling minum air bekas kumur-kumur kalo ga sengaja ^^'
Q36) What's something you always do before you go to sleep?
A36) nyalain alarm + denger MP3 di hp
Q37) What's the most relaxing place to be?
A37) warnet
Q38) What foreign country would you like to try going to?
A38) Jepang, AS aka. Arab Saudi *haji =P*
Q39) If you had a month's vacation, what would you do?
A39) tidur sepuasnya ^^
Q40) If you could use magic, what would you do?
A40) Avada kedavra! Nyihir benwit di rumah jadi 100Mbps =P
Q41) Predict something.
A41) uhm....hari ini hujan.
Q42) If the world were going to end tomorrow, what would you do today?
A42) beramal sebuanyak-buanyaknyah ^^
Q43) What's the most interesting thing you've seen/done lately?
A43) ngeliat forum gw bebas spam ^^
Q44) What's made you the most angry recently?
A44) Duh! Ngehe banget sih entu orang!
Q45) What's something you've been really taking great care to do?
A45) gada....careless ^^
Q46) What's something you plan to do this year?
A46) beli DVDRW sama ganti HP, terus mulai mengkoleksi MP3 Janne da Arc
Q47) What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
A47) dapet gawe di microsoft XD
Q48) How do you want to spend your time during your old age?
A48) uhmmm....
Q49) What is music to you?
A49) No music no life
Q50) Lastly, please say a few words to the readers.
A50) Kopasu! Kopasu! Ayo dong, ga rugi koq ^^
Q1) What kind of person are you?
A1) double-sided. Kadang jutek...kadang ramah. Kadang pinter...kadang sebegituh naifnyahhh...--___--
Q2) What memories do you have of your first love?
A2) sama anak plasa, Ceria 131
Q3) What's a word you like?
A3) Whatever
Q4) What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
A4) matiin alarm
Q5) What's your theme song for today?
A5) GLAY - Mattakokode Aimashou
Q6) What's your cooking forté?
A6) nande? apa ini??
Q7) What foods do you like?
A7) eggs!
Q8) What foods do you dislike?
A8) ikan *alergi seh*
Q9) What's a strange habit of yours?
A9) nulis puisi sampe punya multi kusus wat itu =P
Q10) What's your special skill?
A10) komputer
Q11) What's your favorite season?
A11) Summer! Matsuri ^^ *aka. musim liburan kalo di indonesia*
Q12) What's the thing you want most right now?
A12) Motorola E398, DVDRW Plextor 20x
Q13) What's something you collect?
A13) MP3-MP3, terus CD konser yang haram *baca : bajakan*
Q14) What's your first memory?
A14) Belaian ibu => sama =P
Q15) What's your nickname?
A15) Fee, Gon, L
Q16) What animal are you most like?
A16) none
Q17) What's your weakness?
A17) double-sided!
Q18) What was your dream for the future when you were a child?
A18) dokter hewan ^^'
Q20) What's the first CD you ever bought?
A20) Windows 98SE bajakan *heh!*
Q21) What book or author do you like?
A21) manga!
Q22) What movies do you like?
A22) asal kaga ngejiplak
Q23) What games are you into?
A23) saat ini keracunan Russian Square Plus! Edition *jadulll, board, 2001*
Q24) What's something you're obsessed with?
A24) hacking
Q25) What songs do you sing often at karaoke?
A25) GLAY - A Boy ~Zutto Wasurenai...~
Q26) What's a magazine you read habitually?
A26) Tabloid Pulsa, terus majakah komputerakt!f, en...
Q27) What's something in the news that you're worried about?
A27) global
Q28) Who's someone you respect?
A28) parents
Q29) What kind of man do you think is cool?
A29) sapapun itu yang otaku dalam arti sebenarnya
Q30) What kind of woman do you like?
A30) yang baek
Q31) What behavior do you think is cute in a woman?
A31) dengerin curhat sayah yang panjang...^^'
Q32) What's the most important thing in love?
A32) Trust, lust *heh!*
Q33) What's something you find scary?
A33) internet mati selama 48 jam bertrut-turut
Q34) What do you do to stay healthy?
A34) uhmmm...begadang?
Q35) What do you always drink when you get out of the bath?
A35) none, paling minum air bekas kumur-kumur kalo ga sengaja ^^'
Q36) What's something you always do before you go to sleep?
A36) nyalain alarm + denger MP3 di hp
Q37) What's the most relaxing place to be?
A37) warnet
Q38) What foreign country would you like to try going to?
A38) Jepang, AS aka. Arab Saudi *haji =P*
Q39) If you had a month's vacation, what would you do?
A39) tidur sepuasnya ^^
Q40) If you could use magic, what would you do?
A40) Avada kedavra! Nyihir benwit di rumah jadi 100Mbps =P
Q41) Predict something.
A41) uhm....hari ini hujan.
Q42) If the world were going to end tomorrow, what would you do today?
A42) beramal sebuanyak-buanyaknyah ^^
Q43) What's the most interesting thing you've seen/done lately?
A43) ngeliat forum gw bebas spam ^^
Q44) What's made you the most angry recently?
A44) Duh! Ngehe banget sih entu orang!
Q45) What's something you've been really taking great care to do?
A45) gada....careless ^^
Q46) What's something you plan to do this year?
A46) beli DVDRW sama ganti HP, terus mulai mengkoleksi MP3 Janne da Arc
Q47) What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
A47) dapet gawe di microsoft XD
Q48) How do you want to spend your time during your old age?
A48) uhmmm....
Q49) What is music to you?
A49) No music no life
Q50) Lastly, please say a few words to the readers.
A50) Kopasu! Kopasu! Ayo dong, ga rugi koq ^^
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